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Psychologist Session


Our T3 Case Managers evaluate and plan the actions needed to meet our client's needs. T3 case managers coordinate their client's treatment program which involves getting them the right services and care. Case managers may perform intake interviews to determine their client's needs and ensure their connection with the right services. They work alongside various agencies or institutions and essentially serve as the liaison between a client and the service provider. Case managers also act as the mediator between clients and service providers when issues between the two parties arise.

Here are some of our case manager's main duties:

  • Evaluate cases and gather case reports with relevant information.

  • Conduct screening assessments to determine a client's program eligibility and conduct functional assessments to determine their eligibility for other services.

  • Interview clients to determine their needs and determine which services and assistance they require.

  • Provide support to clients and families in need.

  • Refer clients or make introductions to other agencies.

  • Serve as the liaison between a client and various services such as social or health services.

Case Management: About Me
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